Which Sugar-Based Foods Are Useful and Which Ones Cause Weight Gain?

When we start following a diet, we reduce the amount of sugar intake first. Studies prove that this method helps fight against obesity and excess weight pretty well. But you shouldn’t completely exclude this product from your diet forever. Sweet products enrich us with energy and can provide “food” for the brain. In this article, we’re going to tell you about what kind of sugar can replace high-calorie cupcakes and other sweet treats that make us gain weight.

We has collected some desserts that are both tasty and useful to our health while causing no harm to our bodies and their shape.

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This product is fat-free. It’s like ice cream without milk — it’s just frozen fruit juice. It contains fewer calories and has frozen berries and fruit with the same amount of vitamins as fresh ones.

You can make sorbet at home! It doesn’t take much time and you’ll be sure that the products going into it are good. At home, you can replace sugar syrup with mashed banana.



Fruits are among the most popular products that can be used in place of candy. Studies show that eating fruit doesn’t lead to excess weight. If you count calories, you’re recommended to eat a grapefruit (which contains 30 kcal and 7 g of carbs per 100 g) instead of a banana (which contains 95 kcal and 21 g of carbs per 100 g).

Try to eat perfectly ripe fruit as overripe ones contain too much glucose.



Berries have a great combination of usefulness and taste. Sea buckthorn, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, and red currant are the leaders among low-calorie berries. But you have to be careful with cherries, pomegranates, blueberries, and apricots since their sugar levels are pretty high.

We’d like to note that berries have even more positive effects on us. For example, raspberries remove excess fluid from the body. Berries also have a good influence on the digestive system and speed up your metabolism.



What can replace candy that we like to drink tea with? Are you one of those people that can’t imagine your morning without a piece of toast with jam? Of course, you wouldn’t drink tea with berries and fruit alone, but what about homemade sugar-free fruit jam?

We’ve already revealed these products’ benefits and such a natural jam can be even more useful for our health. The thing is, jam contains a great amount of pectin, a polysaccharide that normalizes gastrointestinal transit and maintains the bacterial balance in our body. Here are some recipes to make healthy sugar-free jam right at home.



As a rule, people who want to lose weight know they have to stop eating muffins and cakes since they’re high in sugar and calories. But there are certain tricks that you can do to still enjoy your favorite sweets. For example, you can replace high-calorie wheat flour with corn, flax, buckwheat, rye, or oat flour. Use stevia instead of sugar and vegetable fats (olive or sunflower) instead of butter and margarine.

The number of calories in these modified pastries are significantly lower and the taste is still magnificent. Using these simple rules, you can bake carrot cupcakes or a chocolate cake and still be healthy!

What healthy treats do you like to eat? Share them with us in the comments.

Source: brightside.me, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, verywellfit.com, onlinelibrary.wiley.com, bmj.com

Which Sugar-Based Foods Are Useful and Which Ones Cause Weight Gain?

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